Hi, I'm Volker

Fullstack Developer

Developer with experience in creating websites and web applications using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, among others. I am passionate about working on challenging projects and helping my clients take their ideas to the next level.

Ramiro Volker

Hello! My name is Ramiro Volker, I am 18 years old, and I was born and live in Argentina. I finished high school with a degree in Electronic Technology and I am currently studying Systems Engineering. I started programming and web development in 2021, taking online courses, bootcamps, and training programs. Currently, I am dedicated to expanding my skills as a Fullstack Developer and providing my services to individuals or companies looking for aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching designs with excellent functionality adapted for any user.

Web Development by Template

Diseñaré y fabricaré una página web personalizada a tu gusto y necesidades. Te ayudaré con los diseños y funciones que necesites para lograr esa web que tanto deseas utilizando tecnologías como HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP y React.

Full Personalized Web Development

Diseñaré y fabricaré una página web personalizada a tu gusto y necesidades. Te ayudaré con los diseños y funciones que necesites para lograr esa web que tanto deseas utilizando tecnologías como HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP y React.

Volker Electronics

First attempt of e-commerce website made for a academic capacitation.


A trivia game for my college project made with JavaScript. It can be controlled by your eyes.

Old Portfolio Website

Old Website i made for a FreeCodeCamp course.


Simple Product Landing Page

JS Documentation

JavaScript Documentation Page

Investors Page JS

Inversions Profit Calculator

Contact Me